Author & Communicator
Helping you through my experiences to re-discover the True you
The Being You were always meant to be
Through my books, Relationship Split and Resurrect & RECLAIM the True You. I outline real world experiences and methods to help you overcome your past that will enable you to massively prosper as the You who You were always meant to be..
Paradoxes abound about time. Does it really exist? Do we have other lives? The only thing I know for sure is that I am here, today, having a human experience and this is the only reality I know and, furthermore, this is the only time I know.
No one knows when their 'time' will come. Rather than wait, rather than pontificate, if you are here reading this you are searching for answers, and this is exactly the right time to act
Just like a train, the decision to change track is a highly complex manouver. It involves amoungst many other things, consideration, planning and strategy, though perhaps most importantly, it involves a fundamental question, The question, Why?
This train has been travelling along this track, in this same direction, for many years, though now you are considering changing this direction and furthermore, you don't even know what is on the other track!
Yet still you desire to move, because deep deep inside you know it is the only direction to travel.
When setting off on this challenging journey to change our track of life, it is really useful to understand and be prepared for the process of evolvement you will travel.
Many different words can be used to describe the stages of where we are, These are my definitions. They allow me to emotionally connect with what happened there, at these specific points, The stages are not linear, they can overlap, and a stage may re-emerge when another internal piece of re-engineering is required. Just when you think "yes, I've got there" along comes something else for cleansing!
Patience is truly a virtue during this journey. This is not one of my 'natural gifts' I have to admit, however what I have learnt is this:
Re-engineering your train that's been going in one direction of travel and then desiring to travel an alternative route takes dedication, time and 'huge patience!' The Universe will operate at its own speed, no matter how hard we try to manipulate the timetable!
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